Health Inequities Addressed by ZOOM

You can trust ZOOM Pharmacy to make healthcare easy. That’s why ZOOM Pharmacy is on New Zealand’s leading online marketplaces. Because healthcare is about you.

ZOOM Pharmacy is pleased to announce its recent engagement with the Ministry of Health to address health inequities.  

ZOOM is involved in a partnership with Counties Manukau DHB, also supported by the Ministry of Health, in a community driven initiative to study the impact that ZOOM Pharmacy and related parties has in disadvantaged communities, by improving medicine adherence in long term conditions such as diabetes.

Secondly, we are also exploring ways we can be involved in other programmes of work, to improve health outcomes in gout and sexual health.

These are early conversations, but we are pleased with the level of interest in the innovative approaches that ZOOM can offer, and how we might advance public and private partnering in our drive for more equitable health outcomes across Aotearoa.